& thats a wrap

Update: I am leaving on a plane back to the US in less than twenty four hours. Reality is starting to hit. What should I do on my last day? How should I feel? Did I forget to pack something? Am I excited to go home? As it usually goes in college, at the end …

Leaves are “fall”ing

At Susquehanna, fall is the best season there is with the beauty of changing leaves all through campus. After seeing Europe in the fall, I think that Susquehanna finally has some competition. Pictured below is Brussels, Belgium where I traveled to last week. Fall came in beautiful yellows all around the city. Two weekends ago, …

How Many Waffles Are Too Many?

Asking for a friend… For the first time since I’ve arrived in Prague, I finally decided to travel for the weekend! My group of friends decided that we should go adventuring, and it just happened that Brussels, Belgium was the destination. First lesson learned: 6am flights are not fun. Five of my friends and I …

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